Tender Crafts: Panel Discussion

09 Oct 2021


Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street , London, SE1 0LN

Ann Coxon, Curator of International Art at Tate Modern is joined by contemporary visual artists Katarzyna Perlak, Rebecca Bellantoni and Raisa Kabir for a discussion which explores how crafts can be used to revisit and reimagine history from contemporary diasporic, feminist and queer perspectives, acting as a tool for archiving past and present historic moments, intimacy, connection and care.

Jerwood Arts presents this event as part of the Tender Crafts programme for London Craft Week 2021. Learn more about Katarzyna Perlak’s artist-led embroidery workshop on Saturday 9 October, 11am-1pm at Jerwood Space, here.


The conversation will last for up to an hour, followed by the chance to ask the panelists questions.

We request that visitors wear masks inside the building for this event unless they are exempt, be considerate of one another’s space and we encourage all visitors to take a Covid-19 test before visiting our galleries at Jerwood Space. The space will be well ventilated and there will be hand sanitiser available on arrival.

There is limited capacity at this event, so we ask that you let us know as soon as possible if you are no longer able to attend. We will run a waiting list for tickets if they sell out and will be in touch if tickets become available in the run up to the event.

This event is free to attend, book now.


We want to make sure that our events programme is welcoming and accessible. Please contact us if you would like to discuss how we can support you to attend and enjoy this event or if you have any feedback on the accessibility of our work. You can contact us via email at gallery@jerwoodarts.org or telephone +44 (0)794 490 3796. Learn more about the access support available, here.

About the speakers 

Ann Coxon is Curator of International Art at Tate Modern. Having always questioned the hierarchy of craft and art, Ann has a specialist interest in textile art. She has curated numerous exhibitions and collection displays at Tate Modern, including galleries of works by Bruce Nauman, Louise Bourgeois, Janet Cardiff, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Phyllida Barlow, Mona Hatoum; and thematic displays, including ‘Beyond Craft’ focussing on American Fiber Art from the 1960s and 1970s. Ann has also curated a number of important temporary exhibitions, including most recently the celebrated retrospectives of Dorothea Tanning and Anni Albers.

Katarzyna Perlak works in moving image, performance, sound, textiles and installation. Her work is driven by politics and feelings, examining queer subjectivities, migration and the potentiality of affect as a tool for registering and archiving both present, continuous and past historical moments.

Katarzyna is a Polish born artist, based in London. Her background is in Philosophy, which she studied in Poland, and Fine Art Media which she studied at Camberwell College of Arts (2008) and Slade School of Fine Art (2017).  Her films have been shown widely at film festivals across Europe and she was part of Bloomberg New Contemporaries in 2017. She has exhibited internationally, including: Young Curators New Ideas V, Detroit Art Week, Detroit, I was, but just awake, Art Night, London (2019); Tighten Throat and Butterflies, Metal, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2018); A Day of Learning, Diaspora Pavilion, 57th Venice Biennale, Venice (2017) and Remote Intimacies, Leslie – Lohman Museum of Arts, New York & ONE Archives, Los Angeles, (2021). katarzynaperlak.com

Rebecca Bellantoni is an artist based in London. Bellantoni mines everyday occurrences and abstracts them. Investigating, through the lens of metaphysics, spirit/energy, religion and the aesthetics of them. Troubling the accepted/expected ‘real’ and the experiential ‘real’; how might these removed borders offer portals to self, collective reasoning and healing thought/action. Black geographies and their attendant realities are a research element. Her practice is wide ranging and utilises video, performance, photography, textiles, printmaking, sculpture, writing and sound-text.

Recent works and projects have been shown with Adelaide Bannerman at PUBLICs, Helsinki, Rowdy SS at Tate, Block Universe and Palais de Tokyo, Nora-Swantje Almes at Ravens Row, Languid Hands at Den Stroon Haag, The Hague and Present Futures at The Women’s Art Library, Goldsmiths. rebeccabellantoni.com

Raisa Kabir is an interdisciplinary artist and weaver based in London. Kabir utilises woven text/textiles, sound, video and performance in her work to materialise concepts concerning the cultural politics of cloth, labour and embodied geographies. Her (un)weaving performances comment on power, production, disability and the queer brown body as a living archive of collective trauma.

She has exhibited work internationally at The Whitworth, The Tetley, Raven Row, Textile Arts Center NYC, The Center for Craft Creativity and Design, Glasgow International and the Ford Foundation Gallery NYC. lids-sewn-shut.typepad.com

This event is free to attend:

Katarzyna Perlak, Bated Breaths, 2020 – ongoing. Installation view at g39. Survey II is led by Jerwood Arts in collaboration with g39 and Site Gallery. Photo: Polly Thomas.