Jerwood Lates: Towards a Black Testimony with Languid Hands

29 Nov 2019

5-8pm (Drop In)

Jerwood Arts, 171 Union Street , London, SE1 0LN

Late Opening of Jerwood Collaborate!

For Jerwood Lates we open our doors for an evening viewing of the current exhibition Jerwood Collaborate!, giving you the chance to drop in and enjoy our exhibition out of hours. 

Jerwood Lates: Towards a Black Testimony with Languid Hands

Languid Hands present an intimate, drop-in programme of performance, discussion, listening and reading responding to their work Towards a Black Testimony: Prayer, Protest, Peace commissioned for Jerwood Collaborate!. 

This new single-screen moving-image work, considers the ontological status of Black people as objects, commodities, and as raw material. Referencing seminal black texts and artefacts alongside instances of contemporary anti-black violence, this work examines testimony as obscured, ignored and undermined.


5-6pm – The bar will be open for refreshments throughout the evening and there will be the opportunity to purchase new pamphlet Objects Who Testify by Imani Robinson published by PSS for Boundary + Gesture curated by Taylor Le Melle at Wysing Arts Centre.

6-7pm – Listening party of the album Max Roach, We Insist! (1960).

7-8pm – A programme of live readings with guest performers Christopher Kirubi, Chloe Filani, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley and Derica Shields.

Register to attend this edition of Jerwood Lates by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. 

Languid Hands

Languid Hands is a London-based artistic and curatorial collaboration between DJ, filmmaker and programmer Rabz Lansiquot, and writer, facilitator and live art practitioner Imani Robinson. They began collaborating together in 2015, through their work with the collective sorryyoufeeluncomfortable (SYFU), informed by ongoing explorations in black and queer studies, black creative practice, black liberatory praxis and queer methodologies. @languidhands

Christopher Kirubi

Christopher is a London-based poet and artist who uses the mutability and promiscuity of images, objects and text to negotiate the limits of sexuality, gender, race and desire.

Chloe Filani

Chloe is a Black feminist, Poet, Performance artist, public Speaker and workshop facilitator. Her poetry works on her lived experiences and the broader themes of identity and power structures. Dealing with ideas of precolonial African trans femme ancestors in poetic story telling.

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

Danielle is an artist working predominantly in animation, sound and performance to communicate their experience as a Black Trans person. Their practice focuses on recording the lives of Black Trans people, intertwining lived experience with fiction to imaginatively retell Trans stories. Spurred on by a desire to meet buried bodies like theirs, their work dreams of a Trans archive where Black Trans people could share their experiences.

Derica Shields

Derica is a writer, researcher and cultural worker from London. As part of a 2017 Triple Canopy commission, she is completing a multi-format oral history project centering on Black people’s accounts of the UK welfare state. Her book project commissioned by Hannah Black is forthcoming from Book Works in 2020.

About Jerwood Lates

Jerwood Lates is a series of free late viewings of the exhibitions at Jerwood Arts, taking place on the last Friday of every month. It coincides with Uniqlo Tate Lates, Tate Modern’s late opening, a short walk away from Jerwood Arts, which runs from 6-10pm.


We want to make sure that our exhibition and events programme are welcoming and accessible. Please contact us if you would like to discuss how we can support you, or have any feedback on the accessibility of our work.

You can contact us via email at or telephone +44 (0)20 7261 0279. 

This late opening is free to attend but capacity is limited:

Languid Hands, Towards a Black Testimony: Prayer, Protest, Peace, 2019. Commissioned for Jerwood Collaborate! Photo: Anna Arca.