Jerwood Lates: Exhibition Tour with Julia Bunnemann

30 Sep 2022

6-8pm (7pm Tour)

Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street , London, SE1 0LN

We open our doors for an evening viewing of Jerwood/Photoworks Awards 4. Join Julia Bunnemann, Curator at Photoworks, for a tour during your visit to gain insights into the works, processes, and ideas behind the exhibition.

Free to join, book now.


About Jerwood/Photoworks Awards 4

Jerwood/Photoworks Awards 4 presents two major new commissions by Heather Agyepong and Joanne Coates.

In developing these commissions, both artists have gone on a personal journey with their practice; reaching beyond photography, to implement activism, sociology, philosophy, archiving, and cultural studies in their work. In ego death, Heather Agyepong explores the concept of the shadow self, our unconscious personality that we deem unacceptable and therefore repress. Joanne Coates’s The Lie of the Land delves into the social history of the land, narrating a story of gender and class in relation to the countryside of the North East of England.

The Jerwood/Photoworks Awards are a major commissioning opportunity supporting early-career artists working with photography to make new work and significantly develop their practice. Established in 2014, they support UK-based artists who are within one to ten years of beginning their practice to realise ambitious new works. The awards seek to encourage artists exploring new approaches to photography by providing sustained critical, practical and curatorial support.


This evening viewing of Jerwood/Photoworks Awards 4 is drop-in until 8pm. Plan your visit, here.

The 7pm tour will last for approximately 45 minutes, there will be the chance to ask questions throughout. It is free to attend but capacity is limited, book now

The tour will involve moving between the gallery spaces to experience the commissions. Seating is available on request.


We want to make sure that our events programme is welcoming and accessible.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how we can support you to attend and enjoy this event or if you have any feedback on the accessibility of our work.

You can contact us via email at or telephone +44(0)7944 903 991. Learn more about the access support available, here.

Heather Agyepong, Lot’s Wife, 2022. Originally commissioned through the Jerwood/Photoworks Awards, supported by Jerwood Arts and Photoworks. Installation view at Jerwood Space. Photo: Anna Arca