CONFESSIONS: Writer’s Room

17 Aug 2019

3 - 4.30pm

Jerwood Arts, 171 Union Street , London

This page was made some time ago and may contain information which is now out of date

Writing, as much as any other art form, is a craft. It is developed over time, curated through relationships with other authors. Yet it also can be one of the most solitary pursuits of creativity – isolating in nature, given its traditionally solo trajectory. The act of writing often happens behind curtains, how can we create more spaces to share, discuss and collaborate?

This workshop invites writers to use the underpinnings of ‘confessing’ to confront broader issues of private and public experiences of writing, in the hope of gesturing towards a more collective mode of working and discussing. Led by writer Hatty Nestor, this workshop intends to unravel speculative questions and practical challenges facing early-career writers working across all types of writing practices today.

This workshop is free to attend, but capacity is limited. Sign up via Eventbrite. 

CONFESSIONS is a programme of events led by Jerwood Arts for artists across art forms to meet and express concerns, joys and demands around their practices. Please sign up to our newsletter for details of future events.

Hatty Nestor has published in Art in America, BOMB, Frieze, The White Review and many other publications. She was Jerwood Arts Writer in Residence 2017, and currently lives in London. Her book on portraits of the incarcerated and Chelsea Manning is forthcoming from Zero Books in 2020.

Workshop format:

  • Introduction from Hatty Nestor about her practice and how it has developed
  • A facilitated discussion which invites participants to express issues around their practices
  • Refreshments and further discussion between participants