Rhiannon Armstrong

Rhiannon Armstrong is a live artist who specialises in intimate performance work for inclusive audiences. Her interdisciplinary work includes performance, installation, street interventions, web-based works and audio projects. She is the 2019 recipient of the Adrian Howells Award for Intimate Performance

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The Jerwood New Work Fund will support research and development towards a full production of a new immersive sound performance Cradled. The work explores intimacy without social interaction and will be led by Rhiannon in partnership with Oily Cart and also supported by Unlimited.

Drawing on research by Head of Infant studies at Stanford Center Anne Fernald, which asserts that ‘sound is touch at a distance’, the project will involve creating an emotive sensory performance which audience feel through their whole body, using resonating sculptural platforms which the audience can sit or lie on.

Cradled will be richly inclusive, considering and collaborating with those with complex needs throughout the process. The piece will be flexible and adaptable for different settings, and artistically accessible to audiences of all ages. Extended duration will allow audience members to come and go, and considers those who might take up to an hour to get in the room due to anxiety.


Rhiannon Armstrong - can be cropped to landscapeThe Lullaby Directory. Featured: Rhiannon Armstrong and audience members. Image: Ben Gregory