
Re-Framing Dance

Dance4 is an international centre for the development of extraordinary 21st century dance. A unique voice in the UK dance sector, its work supports artists and practitioners who are interested in the development of dance. An action-research project, seeking to build capacity with independent producers to realise the research, development and production of new work for the gallery

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With a desire to bring about new opportunities for choreographic practices to meet the public, Re-Framing Dance is an action-research project, seeking to build capacity with independent producers to realise the research, development and production of new work for the gallery.

Stemming from the philosophy of curiosity, risk and doubt, Dance4 is asking the question, what can be realised by independent artists if producers provide skills and capacity to bring about new work from artists in the gallery?

The gallery is increasingly a site for the public to witness, explore and even participate in dance and choreographic practices. They are sites that artists seek to develop and present their work. Re-Framing Dance values the producer role and considers in what ways producers can be supported to enhance the current presentation of dance in the gallery. This project will utilise the city of Nottingham and its enviable museum and visual art sector, with a capacity to realise an extraordinary range of works and practices.

Please Do Not Touch by Dought, Kirsche & Parker. Image: Jason Senior