The development opportunity is tailored to suit each artistic director’s needs and a peer group between the cohort of Jerwood Assistant Directors is actively cultivated.
We have supported the Jerwood Assistant Directors Programme since 2010 and before that the Jerwood Directors Award (2002-2010) which had an extensive impact on the profession. Professional on-the-job development is a vital opportunity for directors at the start of their careers and programme provides the Young Vic with a fantastic opportunity to support and develop the next generation of young directors in a structured way, and is proving to be extremely valuable in enabling those chosen to take the next steps in their careers. Tinuke Craig went on to win the Genesis Future Directors Award, Kate Hewitt the JMK Award and Elayce Ismail the JP Morgan Award for Emerging Directors.
The 2018/19 Jerwood Assistant Directors are:
Monique Touko and Emily Ling Williams (Blood Wedding); Munotida Chinyanga (Tree); Mina Barber (The Convert); Eva Sampson (Twelfth Night); Lucy J. Skilbeck (Fun Home); Sadie Spencer (The Inheritance); Nicole Charles (The Jungle).
The 2017/18 Jerwood Assistant Directors were: Yaz Al Shaater (A Midsummer Night’s Dream); Taio Lawson (Life of Galileo); Anna Poole (Wings); and Natalie Denton (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof).
Future opportunities will be advertised through the Genesis Directors Network.