The artists are exploring how society represents the range of possible future climates and develop their own artistic work within climate change research and policy networks. To date, climate scenarios have envisioned possible futures based on estimates of future population levels, economic and social activity, governance and technological change. Climate Change in Residence aims to give the arts a role in the imagining and representation of our changed climate futures. In this way the project aims to support more open and imaginative, but also more purposeful responses to the challenges of climate change now.
University of Sheffield
Climate Change in Residence, Future Scenarios
Culture and Climate Change is a collaboration between the University of Sheffield and The Open University. Climate Change in Residence: Future Scenarios is a networked residency programme that will embed artists within contemporary thinking on climate research and policy. With our support three individual artists or collectives working in any art form will be offered an award of £10,000 each for a year-long residency from June 2016. Embedding artists in current thinking about climate change
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