August 29, 2019

Green light for three Jerwood Arts programmes 2020-2022

This page was made some time ago and may contain information which is now out of date

All three programmes aim to transform the leadership potential of the next generation of artists, curators, producers and creatives from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Arts Council England’s National Lottery funding joins further funding from Art Fund, Arts Council Wales, Creative Scotland and Garfield Weston Foundation.

The three programmes will be supported by a training, research and evaluation team of People Make It Work, Dr Dave O’Brien and Annabel Jackson Associates Ltd, with additional expertise confirmed from Kickstarter and Arts Emergency. We are also delighted to be working with the British Council again, to explore the potential for international placements.

We will be working closely with all our partners and funders on the details of the programmes over the next few months and announce more information about each programme later this autumn.

Lilli Geissendorfer, Director, Jerwood Arts said:

“Fair access to working in the arts remains one of the most urgent issues facing the sector today, with those from lower socio-economic backgrounds still significantly underrepresented amongst the artists and employees of UK theatres, festivals, galleries, museums and arts organisations of all kinds, especially in leadership positions.

Building on Jerwood Arts’ ten years of experience in this field, our programme will offer specialised recruitment and supported, meaningful fellowships and development opportunities that will actively reduce the barriers for talented creative leaders to fulfil their potential. We are excited that the next iteration of our Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries programme will focus on creative and artistic roles, and to be able to launch two pilot projects targeted at curators and new leaders, two areas where those from lower socio-economic backgrounds face particularly challenging career pathways.

We are delighted to be part of the Arts Council England’s new Transforming Leadership Fund and to have secured significant support from a cohort of generous and visionary partner funders to enable us to green light these projects today.”

Joyce Wilson, London Area Director, Arts Council England said:

“This fund aims to develop innovative and effective leadership in museums, libraries and the arts. I am pleased that Arts Council England is able to support the Jerwood Transforming Leadership programme to support a diverse range of leaders who might otherwise struggle to access this level of training or mentoring network.”

If you are interested in supporting or partnering with us on these programmes, we are keen to hear from you. Please email Jon Opie, Deputy Director on to start a conversation. We know that these programmes can grow further and become more impactful with additional funding and connections with expert individuals and organisations.

The Programmes

Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries

The fourth edition of the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries will provide an 18 month programme of transformation for arts organisations, museums and galleries from across UK to become more inclusive organisations through provision of unique Fellowships for outstanding early-career artists, curators and producers from lower socio-economic backgrounds on the one hand, and dedicated organisational development support on the other.

So far, this programme is generously supported by Art Fund, Arts Council England’s Transforming Leadership Fund, Arts Council of Wales, Creative Scotland and Garfield Weston Foundation, with delivery support from Arts Emergency.

Kath Davies, Director (Arts Funding Services), Arts Council of Wales said:

“The Arts Council of Wales is delighted to become a partner in this this innovative scheme.  We have already seen the huge benefit for young people and the host organisations, and look forward to growing the number of placements available in Wales.”

Colin Bradie, Interim Head of Creative Learning at Creative Scotland said:

“When the arts and creative practice are reflective of, and made by, a diverse range of people and communities, they are more relevant to more people across Scotland.  We are delighted to be working with Jerwood Arts to support five new fellowships which will enable emerging talent from lower socio-economic backgrounds to progress their creative practice and build carers within the arts.”

Jerwood Curatorial Accelerator

The pilot of the Jerwood Curatorial Accelerator will target early career curators from lower socio-economic backgrounds who have overcome barriers already to be working in the arts. The programme will provide them with a 12-month structured cohort-based peer learning and mentoring programme focused around training and networking city visits.

So far, this programme is generously supported by Art Fund and Arts Council England’s Transforming Leadership Fund.

Jerwood New Creative Leaders

The pilot of the Jerwood New Creative Leaders will offer an award for early-career artists, curators, producers and creatives from lower socio-economic backgrounds to provide crucial financial and developmental support for setting up their own ventures. They will receive a mix of a bursary, structured and unstructured professional development training.

So far, this programme is generously supported by Arts Council England’s Transforming Leadership Fund, with delivery support from Kickstarter.


The Jerwood Transforming Leadership Programme is designed, delivered and supported by Jerwood Arts, with specialist support from People Make It Work, Dr Dave O’Brien, British Council and Annabel Jackson Associates Ltd. It is generously funded so far by Art Fund, Arts Council England’s Transforming Leadership Fund, Arts Council of Wales, Creative Scotland and Garfield Weston Foundation.

Please see related press coverage:

Third Sector: Arts Council gives £7.1m to 18 leadership programmes.

The Stage: Arts organisations receive £7.1m to develop more diverse arts leaders.

Arts Professional: ACE awards £7m to develop arts leadership. 


Llun: Tim Dickeson, 2019. Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff