Phoebe Davies

Phoebe Davies is a Welsh artist and researcher based at Somerset House Studios. Her practice investigates how people perceive their social framework, often working with and in response to individuals and communities, generating work through collaboration, collective action and Do It Together strategies. Her outcomes are often project dependent, including constructed social spaces, live performances, video, audio and print works.

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Recent projects have led her to work with male sports teams, sex educators, farmers, secondary school students, elderly care homes and DJs as well as arts spaces and institutions, including: Tate Modern, London; Eastside Projects, Birmingham; The Wellcome Collection, London; Praksis, Oslo, Norway; and Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, Portland, USA. In 2015 she was awarded the British Council Art & Social Practice Fellowship.

The Jerwood New Work Fund will support the artist to make a step change into making and presenting experimental sound works through the research and development of Taking Hold (working title). This new audio work will examine ways of composing and presenting sound through open access sample packs and immersive soundscapes. Building upon her ongoing enquiry into bodily resistance, physical injury/rehabilitation and contact-based sports Phoebe will work within sound archives and alongside bio-medical acoustic engineers and artists Joseph Bond and Marie Swiecicka to explore how sound is physically experienced.


Embrace, Phoebe Davies. Featured: Liv and Hedda, Kolbotn Bryteklubb (still)