Mina Heydari-Waite

Mina Heydari-Waite is an Iranian-British visual artist and facilitator. Mina’s work is concerned with hierarchical dynamics in cultural history and cultural participation. Past work has included installation, sculpture, print, performance and video. Mina is one half of collaborative duo Peel Eezy, with artist Gemma Crook. 

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The Jerwood New Work Fund will support Mina to have significant time to focus on making new work. ھمسفر (”Hamsafar” / “Companion Traveller”) is a research-led body of artworks that weaves together semi-imagined histories of the Iranian diaspora created after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The work investigates how Iranian cultural experiences are relayed using visual cues, and how counter futures can be forged using recollected and often semi-fictitious pasts. Mina is interested in how these processes parallel the ways in which diaspora artists collect and reassemble cultural narratives in order to create new settings for themselves. 



Hamsafar, Mina Heydari-Waite. Featured: Sara Lily Heydari-Waite Image: Emma Finn