Lauren John Joseph

La JohnJoseph makes queer work at the intersection of performance, text and video installation, which investigates the friction between gender identity, religious faith and  social class.

This page was made some time ago and may contain information which is now out of date

They have presented performances at the Royal Opera House; Deutsche Opera; Bristol Old Vic; Barbican; Schaubühne; Art Basel Hong Kong; SF MoMA; Dixon Place, NY; Martin-Gropius Bau; Fancy Him, Tokyo; La Java, Paris; and Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói. They have exhibited work in group shows in the US, UK, and Germany and are currently artist-in-residence as part of London Borough of Culture.

The Jerwood New Work Fund will support a step change for Lauren John Joseph from performance into artist moving-image through a six-month research period. Specifically this will focus on researching historical representations of gender non-conforming bodies, alongside the  contemporary “deep fake”, in order to engage the destabilising debate around “authentic” bodies/selves from a trans* stand point.


182cm Queenie (on set documentation), La John Joseph. Image: Elle Brotherhood