Gwen Hales

Gwen Hales has worked as a circus-theatre performer for over 20 years. More recently she’s moved out of the spotlight and into directing, completing a Masters degree in Circus Directing in 2018, specialising in narrative circus and collaborative devising. She has since worked as an aerial director alongside theatre directors Sally Cookson and Marianne Elliott to deliver large-scale productions such as Peter Pan in 2016; Angels in America in 2017; and The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe in 2018.

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Gwen’s current aims are to develop as an author-director of her own work, exploring the complexities of today’s environmental and political crises through provocative outdoor performances.

The Jerwood New Work Fund will support a period of collaborative research and development led by Gwen at the 101 Creation Centre in Newbury and Invisible Circus’ Unit 15 in Bristol.

Working alongside physical performers and specialists in the fields of structural set design, physical dramaturgy, sound design, and with input from NGOs working in the clothing industry sector, Gwen will use Open Space techniques to facilitate cross-artform creation. The team will be exploring themes of inequality, identity and the consequences of consumer choice in connection with the worldwide clothing industry.

Image from IAT r&d project. Image: Gwen Hales