Berry Patten

Berry Patten is an artist working with drawing, print, sculpture, film and performance.

This page was made some time ago and may contain information which is now out of date

Berry’s practice is a charting of the every day, the media infiltration and societal expectations on our individual experiences and decisions. Looking for examples of openness, awkwardness, vulnerability, love, communication, depression and anxiety, Berry is fascinated with the gap between freedom and control.

Berry’s Jerwood Bursary enable a period of research, including conducting interviews, and visiting locations in preparation for a new moving image work and text. Berry will explore environmental transformations currently taking place across the boundaries of rural Suffolk and Essex created by the laying of cables between North Sea Anglia One Wind Farm and the National Grid that is under construction in preparation for Britain’s departure from Euratom after Brexit.

Berry Patten, Hare Courser with Shakira - film still, 2019.